Wednesday, May 2, 2012

My discussion question from Tuesday.

Reflecting on our discussion, I think the thing I liked the most was how much we didn't want to be forced into answering my question of whether you'd choose to euthanize your child or let your child be used as a brain. It's interesting to say that we wouldn't choose euthanasia right off the bat, but imagine being forced into simply being a ship. With human emotions, but unable to control them. I would personally choose euthanasia. A hard decision, but would I want my child to feel inferior for their whole lives? No. And yes, letting them live to become a ship would be useful to society, and they can still think, but I don't think I could let my child become something that has human feelings, but can never sense touch. Touch is so integral to the human experience. If the option was simply to let the kids live out their days (as many as they have) then I would go with that, but the story seemed to make it into a "either you kill them, or we use them for their brain" sort of thing. I really have no idea how I would react in this sort of real life situation, but it's interesting to ponder.


  1. I agree I thought Tuesday’s class was a little awkward for everyone because you could say one thing and then change your mind a minute later. I imagine to make that decision for your child would be extremely difficult, and that is partly why I didn’t participate is because I just didn’t know which one I would pick, I couldn’t imagine picking one and not feeling guilty about it later on, and vice versa. I think it would always eat at you, even if you have been thought that it is good for the society, and you could fake yourself in believing that they are happy. I couldn’t do it, and I still am unsure, but I think that it is supposed to be. I don’t know what I would choose, but it isn’t supposed to be easy. It is an interesting concept and that’s why I think it makes for an interesting story.

  2. I agree. I would also choose euthanasia because I wouldn't my child to also feel inferior for their whole lives and feel like they were different and an outcast. It may seem like a very wrong choice but in this day and age, people are having to deal with tough dicisions that will ultimetly effect their lives and their childrens life.
